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Holistic Veterinary Medicine with the PiezoWave2T Vet

What is Holistic Veterinary Medicine?

The AHVMA defines holistic veterinary medicine as “a form of healing that considers the whole patient—body, mind, and spirit—in its approach to achieving optimum health and eliminating the root causes of disease. The holistic approach is gentle, minimally invasive, and incorporates patient emotions and well-being. Holistic thinking is centered on love, empathy, and respect.” (source).

Why is the PiezoWave2T Vet Considered a Holistic Veterinary Therapy?

The PiezoWave2T Vet shockwave therapy is a non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive modality that promotes healing by stimulating the body’s natural processes through mechanotransduction.

This versatile therapy addresses both primary injuries and secondary issues such as compensatory pain, myofascial pain, tendon and ligament desmitis, and osteoarthritis. Its precise focal zone and adjustable energy output allow each treatment to be customized to the patient’s specific needs.

The PiezoWave2T Vet can be integrated into a holistic approach that “considers the whole patient—body, mind, and spirit—in its approach to achieving optimum health and eliminating the root causes of disease.” Its gentle and minimally invasive nature, along with the ability to perform treatments without sedation, makes it an ideal choice for providing calm, relaxing care with minimal discomfort. It effectively aids in the healing of bones, tendons, muscles, and other mechanosensitive tissues, offering pain relief for senior patients with chronic conditions like osteoarthritis or IVDD, thereby enhancing their mobility and quality of life.

This therapy is a key component of a multimodal rehabilitation plan that includes therapy, exercise, and nutrition, all working together to promote whole-body wellness.

At ELvation USA Vet, we are committed to a culture of “love, empathy, and respect” for the veterinary patients whose lives are enriched by the PiezoWave2T Vet, and for the veterinary professionals dedicated to delivering the highest standard of care to all animals in their care.

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